Hi! My name is Sara, and this is my blog. Welcome!
I should tell you a little bit about me. I think I'll do this in a Q&A format, because that sounds fun right now!
Where do you live?
The only place I've ever lived is Iowa, and I love it here!
Yes, the weather is extreme, but it's home. And, according to the musical "State Fair".... "Our state fair is a great state fair, don't miss it, don't even be late! It's dollars to doughnuts that our state fair is the best state fair in our state!"
What's important to you?
In order:
1) My husband is my everything
2)My family and friends
3)God (I wish He was higher on the list. and I'm working on that)
What's wrong with you?
Everything! :D Lol, some days that seems like the answer. To be specific, my main diagnosis is Bipolar Disorder, with a secondary yet still important diagnosis of Binge Eating Disorder.
What is Intuitive Eating (IE)?
Intuitive Eating is a way to repair your relationship with food. In a nutshell, it involves eating what you want, when you're hungry, and stop eating when you're satisfied. It has changed my life.
Who should read your blog?
I wish I could say "everyone!" but I doubt that's true. I think anyone who is interested in or can relate to depression, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, me, or treatment methods for mental health disorders should read my blog. Also, anyone who enjoys a good story. Hopefully my blog will read like a good book about a girl (me) who has struggles (mental health disorders) and triumphs over them (hopefully)! Except I'm still writing the story, so you're going to have to be patient. This isn't something you can read in one sitting (unless you wait awhile until my story is over).
Did you write a nifty paragraph about yourself as an activity once?
Yes I did! Here it is:
I would like to travel but will probably never be able to afford it. I enjoy reading and I love TV. I sing in the shower, and I love listening to music. I find many things boring: golf, boxing, and carpentry. However, when left to entertain myself, I don't bore easily. There are some things I'm not very good at: planning parties, telling jokes, and being brave about sky diving. I am good at managing my time.
That's all for now, but I'm sure I will add to this page as my blog progresses. Feel free to let me know what you think should be on this page!