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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wowza I can eat a lot!

I don't have much time to blog right now, but I was thinking over my last post, and I realized my increments for overeating were not accurate to my personal experiences. I wanted to set the record straight for my own peace of mind.

I have been known to...

not only eat HALF a bag of chips, but a BAG and a half.
not stop at 5 cookies, but eat 12 (not dinky chips ahoy, either. I'm talking big homemade cookies.. with real butter!)
not just eat pizza every day, but eat a WHOLE pizza every day

The list of my eating offenses goes on and on, and somehow I didn't feel right letting you think that I thought half a bag of chips is the maximum amount you could possibly eat. Because that's just not true.

Whew! I feel better now :D

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